Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here we have the Scalloped Wrap! I finished the knitting, grafting, washing, blocking and crawled into bed at 1am. This morning she was ready to rock. I tried to get pictures of this with me as the model, but they all looked like ass, so here we have the lovely office chair!

If I can get better lighting and pics I'll post them. I may even show you my new shoes. Happy Samhain! <;-)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Can't blog, knitting...

The first half of the Scalloped Wrap is done. I'm 15 out of 27 repeats into the second half. I pinned out the first half to check how big it would be. I think it'll do, but if I have the time I may add a couple more after I get the second half complete. We have a pretty full weekend of non-knitting activities, so this looks like it's going to come down to the wire. Gotta go work now so I can knit this afternoon. I hope my phone is quiet today. :-)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Scalloped Wrap

The scalloped Wrap is coming right along. And I was able to get pictures of it. And I was able to get those pics from my camera to my computer. Truly the technology goddess was smiling on me yesterday. Of course, the penalty for all that was my total inability to open any excel files for the last 30 minutes of my day, but who wants to do any work then anyway?

I am currently working on my 23rd pattern repeat. This is made in 2 pieces then grafted together. I'll finish the 27 repeats the pattern calls for and do the other half. At that point I need to give it a bit of a blocking to see if it's really going to be long enough. I have concerns at this point, but it's impossible to tell what the final result will be without at least pinning it out a bit.

20 days until I want to wear this, I'm feeling good about my progress.