This Year: Knit all the Sweaters!
About this time last year I had a thought that I needed more cardigans in my wardrobe. Living in the Pacific Northwest, I am well versed in dressing in layers. I have a number of pullovers, and I love them, but my current office requires frequent wardrobe adjustments. With all that in mind I declared this year to be "The Year of the Sweater"! There was much rejoicing, and also some casting on. So far I have started and completed both Crane Creek and Forest Fiesta. I love them both and expect to get a lot of wear out of them.On my quest I also started Vivian, but the way the pattern is written is hard for me to follow, so this is currently tucked away waiting for a time when I can sit and sort it all out. I would really love to have and wear this one, but the knitting of it may do me in. I have also started a Featherweight Cardigan, but haven't made much progress yet. I recently found out that some friends are expecting a baby in March and I've gotten a little side-tracked with the knitting on Itty Bitty Things! I have a couple more sweaters that I have the yarn for and would like to get started before the end of this year. Starting Strata Sphere and the Burdock Cardigan this year fall right into my plan for next year...
Next Year: Finish all the Things!
A couple of weeks ago I realized that my stash room had exploded. I spent an evening trying to get it back under control, and in the process found a number of projects that had stalled. These are still lovely things that I would like to finish, but have been set aside because I was distracted by something newer and shinier. It happens.
I would love to tell you all the lovely things that will happen next year, but in my mad tidy of the stash room I shoved them all in a tub that I mentally labeled "next year". I figure if I put it in writing here that I'm going to restrict my starting of new things to socks next year that maybe I'll actually finish some of those older projects. We shall see!