Friday, October 20, 2006


The Diamond shawl has been cast off! I finished the knitting last night while my hubby went for a walk without me and I sat on the couch determined to finish. Unfortunately the only place big enough to block it is our king size bed, so that didn't happen last night, and won't happen tonight either. Satuday I plan to soak it and pin it out as soon as the bed is no longer required for sleeping. Pictures to follow.

I have a new outfit to go with the shawl, I'm totally jazzed. I'll be the best dressed Witch at the party! I'm sure pictures of that will be posted as well.

I've started one pair of holiday socks and am really loving them. I'll start another pair soon and perhaps get pics up as well. Hard to say since they are gifts and the intended recipients may actually stop by here occasionally.

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