Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rose of England pic

Here is the progress so far on ROE!

This is what I got accomplished Sunday afternoon and evening. I would have liked to work on it last night, but spent the evening fighting with my new camera and laptop. Evidently they don't want to play well together. Luckily things went more smoothly today at the office.


Reluctant Penguin said...

Beautiful!!! What yarn are you using? Which cast-on did you use?

Jennifer AKA Pumpkinhead said...

I'm interested in your yarn choice too.

From the look of it, you are at around the same spot where I always end up having to tink or/and restart. I have yet to get to Part C. I've put it aside, as it was getting abit crazy with the restarts. My mental health was going to be called into question if I kept up.

Beautiful work. Happy Knitting and may the Knitting Fates continue to hold you in their favor.

Jennifer AKA Pumpkinhead said...

Happened to notice a Folk shawl member's question in regards to your needles on the ROE.

Sorry to yell like that, I'm still in shock from really looking at the picture. You are very talented! I'm still reading the small magic loop booklet trying to figure out it's mystery. :)
